Satisfaction Survey

Your opinions and suggestions are important to us.

Satisfaction Survey

    Dear Customer,

    Your views are very important to us in order to provide you better service and prepare more accurate solutions to your needs.

    Necessary improvement studies will be started in the light of the results to be removed from the survey.
    Our aim is to produce better services for you.

    Company Information

    Related Person

    Where You Provide The Product / Service

    Assessment Criteria

    How do you find our product quality?

    How is the communication of our staff with you, our valued customers?

    How do our business personnel approach the problem when you encounter a problem?

    Is it easy to access the information you want about our products?

    Are you satisfied with the delivery time of our products?

    Is the response time to the problems related to our products fast?

    Suggestions for solutions to problems related to our products?

    User reviews about our products?

    Are the promotional and advertising activities on behalf of our brand sufficient?

    How would you evaluate the packaging quality of our products?

    Do you find our company’s environmentally friendly production policies sufficient?
    (carbon emission calculation, sustainability reporting, etc.)

    Would you consider shopping from our company again?

    How do you find our company’s performance in sustainable supply chain management?

    How would you rate your satisfaction with the various payment methods offered by our company?

    Your overall assessment of our company

    Contact Information
    Headquarters: O.S.B. 20. Cad. No:62 38070
    Melikgazi/Kayseri / Türkiye
    444 7 489
    +90 (352) 322 13 84